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Slå längre med nya Softspikes Tour Flex Pro

Skribentens bild: Michael BroströmMichael Broström

Softspikes nya mjukspik Tour Flex Pro ger så stabilt fotfäste att du kan slå både längre och rakare!

Softspikes är den mest använda mjukspiken på touren och det lär inte förändras efter lanseringen av nya Tour Flex Pro som enligt en oberoende studie[1] visat sig ge fem extra yards med drivern och hela 60 procent mindre spridning!

Läs mer på Softspikes hemsida och i pressmeddelandet nedan.


BRENTWOOD, Tenn. Wednesday 15th March 2023 - Softspikes®, makers of the #1 spike on the PGA Tour is delighted to announce that results of a recent independent study have proven the all-new Tour Flex Pro increases driver distance by five yards while reducing shot dispersion by up to 60%[1]

“Several years ago, the USGA capped the COR limits for driver faces. Manufacturers have done all they can to deliver greater distance more often. We took it on as a challenge to provide avid golfers with a new way to consistently gain yardage and accuracy,” said Joe Henderson, President, PrideSports. “The result is great news for golfers. For less than £20 they can swap their spikes and squeeze another five yards of distance out of their driver, plus find the centre of the club face more consistently off the tee.”

Softspikes has been able to harness the performance characteristics of a metal spike with the comfort of a plastic spike through the company’s proprietary Dynamic Traction Technology®. Boasting three degrees of traction and ten points of contact, Tour Flex Pro has been engineered to deliver unmatched stability. An ever-growing percentage of players have already made the switch to Tour Flex Pro, which has been evident on the PGA Tour with 3 wins coming in the past 5 events: The Waste Management Phoenix Open, The Genesis Invitational and The PLAYERS Championship this past Sunday.

In 2022, more than 82% of players on the PGA Tour chose Softspikes, resulting in 41 victories, including all four Majors and the Tour Championship. For that reason, it was vital for Softspikes to test Tour Flex Pro on the PGA Tour during development. The spikes combine features from the brand’s two most popular tour models - Pro Stinger and Cyclone - resulting in tour-level traction with a centre post that emulates performance benefits consistent with metal spike usage.

Tour players change grips and traction regularly based on course conditions, but amateur golfers rarely think about impacts on consistency and distance. To achieve optimal performance benefits, golfers should be swapping out their spikes every 15 - 20 rounds.

Tour Flex Pro retails at £19.99 and is available to purchase online at or major golf and sporting goods retailers throughout the UK & Europe.

[1] Independent research conducted by The Golf Lab. Testing included seven swings on wet grass pitting Softspikes Tour Flex Pro alongside spikeless shoes. The data revealed increased horizontal impact location by 32% and vertical impact consistency by 22%. The largest changes were found in golfers with a swing speed above 110 mph. In those cases, players averaged 5.2 more yards in total distance and their dispersion reduced by an astonishing 60%. In addition, high swing speed golfers achieved 40% more accuracy and 46% more consistent distance. The research unequivocally reinforced that spiked cleats provide golfers more consistency hitting the sweet spot, improved distance and accuracy.

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Sanja Ovrilena
Sanja Ovrilena

Hej! Efter att min tidigare relation tog slut, kände jag att jag behövde något mer från mitt sexliv i Sverige. Jag hörde om sexchatt från en vän och blev nyfiken. Jag började chatta med en kille som delade min fascination för rollspel, och vi beslöt att träffas i Lund. Vår träff blev till en otrolig kväll av förvandlingar och fantasifulla scenarion. Vi förlorade oss i våra roller och det var som att leva i en helt annan värld. Det var fantastiskt att hitta någon som verkligen förstod och delade mina intressen.

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